Thursday, July 23, 2015

5 Reasons I LOVE Type 1 Diabetes

Yeah, I said it. It's hard to believe, but I have been incredibly blessed in my life since my diagnosis of type 1 diabetes.

One of my dear friend's son's was just diagnosed this past Sunday with Type 1 Diabetes. This is for her. This is for all of you newly diagnosed diabetics, the parents of them, and even for those who have become burnt out by the disease.

Let me tell you this: we can ALWAYS have hope. And that hope will give us peace, and joy, and bless us abundantly.

So, here are 5 reasons why I'm GLAD I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. I encourage you to come up with your own list! It truly will help you.

1. It has continually strengthened my relationship with Christ. And I'm not talking about just when I was first diagnosed, although I do attribute that to the beginning of a true relationship with God. Throughout my journey with diabetes, I have been consistently reminded that God is there with me. Each day I'm reminded of His great love for me, whether it's relief that my blood sugar didn't spike after pizza with friends, or as big as His healing hands touching me for a moment, I know without a shadow of doubt that He is there with me.

2. I am a more responsible young adult. Than you'll ever be. No, I'm kidding. But seriously, without diabetes I don't think I would be the responsible young woman that I am. I know not to push my limit, and I can do so without feeling pressured by peers. Heck, I know what my limit is!! Yeah, diabetes caused me to grow up too fast, too soon, but looking back I wouldn't have wanted it any other way.

3. Free stuff in the mail!!  I mean really, this is the best part, isn't it??? I love coming home to a package from JDRF (or I used to...sad face). I remember once some diabetes organization sent me a backpack--and I thought it was the coolest thing ever. Luckily I still get free stuff from my doctor's office, so it's all good. Still a perk!

4. When I'm feeling weak, I can just look at myself and know that I am STRONG. We all have those days, where we just feel like the entire world is conspiring against us. You don't? Life is rough. We get down. But because I have diabetes, and I've made it fourteen years with this autoimmune disease without any complications I can stand in front of the mirror and say to myself, "Lindsay, you've got this."

5. I know I can accomplish any goal I set my mind to. I've managed to lower my A1c from 10.3 to 7.6 in three months. That's incredible. That takes determination. Drive. Motivation. And I did it. I. DID. IT (with the help of God).  Who's to say I can't do whatever else I decide I want to do?

So, fellow diabetic friends, diabetes is rough and there's absolutely no getting around that. But when you pause to reflect on your life, take note of all the amazing things diabetes has brought you! (Namely free backpacks in the mail).

I want to take a minute to share this with you--the GoFundMe page for my friend's son. Karissa is an amazing mom and a strong Christian woman and I know that she will do a great job caring for her son. Diabetes is expensive, insurance or not. A lot of things helpful for controlling diabetes aren't covered by insurance. If you feel compelled in your heart to help financially, it would be very appreciated. If you can't offer financial help, prayers for her family and her son are so so so appreciated.

XO, Lindsay


  1. Hi! I commented on your IG picture (: I love this! Thanks for sharing!! (:
